Our Great GOD



Dedicated to God, Jesus and The Holy Spirit.
Thank-you for Your love, mercy, sacrifices
and always being there for us.

A Few Words From The Founder

God and Jesus want us to share Their good works and love with everyone and that is why I’ve decided to build this website. To give people the opportunity to do just that, in a way that can benefit many people who come to this site. I also felt it was important to publish your stories just as you sent them in

Please everyone who has beautiful stories of how God and Jesus touched their lives we would love you to share them with us, that’s what this site is all about. Feel free to use only your first name, first and last name, you may also add a picture if you wish and what state, province or country you are from. It’s all up to you but so you know we will be putting your stories on our site just as you send them in.

I wanted to take a go at this website because I have always wondered what I could do in order to show my appreciation to God and Jesus for all They have done for my family and I.

I would also like to thank my beautiful wife Tracy. When I felt myself feeling distant from God and Jesus she brought me back closer than I think I ever was.

During the course of reading these stories I hope you can recall a time when God and Jesus might have touched your lives. You may not of thought of it at the time but through other people’s stories on this site you may now think “Ya, They were there for us.”

While reading these stories I hope you have a few laughs, a few tears, but mainly every time you finish I hope you’re left with a good feeling in your heart.

I also wanted this site to be as pure as possible so there will be no donate button, no money transactions or selling. No restrictions on copying anything you like. This is our project to honor God and Jesus and help people feel closer to Them.

We welcome everyone from all faiths, those who are curious, and those who would like to know God and Jesus.

Thank- you

With God and Jesus there are no coincidences or luck, it is ALL God’s work. Near death experiences have happened all over the world and all tell a similar story. In short, they are drawn towards a beautiful light and when they reach it a beautiful feeling of peace and tranquility envelops them.

In some cases they even see and communicate with Jesus or an angel.

The fascinating part about this, it’s happening to people all over the world, different countries, different languages, remote areas where there is zero influence from other stories.

The only explanation I can see is God’s Grace.

Light a Candle for your loved one

Say a Prayer