Our Great GOD

Divine Intervention

Jesus Take the Wheel

One day years ago I was driving a tractor/trailer down a steep hill with a bridge at the bottom, it had been freezing rain for some time. I couldn’t brake and was actually picking up speed and had lost my steering even, there was a gradual curve and as I turned the wheel the truck kept going straight on the ice. To make matters worse there was a loaded Greyhound bus coming towards me, nothing I could do, I was going to run right into this bus loaded with people and shoot them off the road and down the hill killing and injuring who knows how many of them. I called out to God and Jesus, “please help me, don’t let me hit these people!” As soon as I did that my truck started coming back on my side of the highway and the Greyhound bus went safely by not even knowing that God and Jesus just had saved them all. That wasn’t me that did anything, the road didn’t suddenly get better, that was all Him, Jesus literally took the wheel from my hands and made my truck miss that bus – there is NO DOUBT – when things like that happen you can actually feel the divine intervention. I also have a few more incidents like this that occurred in my life and every time you know it was God and Jesus, you actually feel Their immediate presence. Look up with such a beautiful feeling in your heart and say Thank You God and Jesus!!

Mitch Fuelkell


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