Our Great GOD

Interesting Bible Facts

Interesting Bible Facts

“Do not be afraid” is mentioned in the Bible 365 Times

The Bible actually is the best-selling book in the world.

The Bible is one of the most commonly shoplifted books in the world. I guess they didn’t heed “Thou Shall Not Steal”

The very last word in the Bible is Amen

About 90 hours are required to read through the whole Bible.

If you read three chapters of the Bible everyday and 5 during Sundays, you will go through the entire Bible in one year

Noah’s Ark Had More Than Just 2 Of Each Animal

There were 7 pairs of every clean animal in the ark and 2 of every unclean animal.

Noah’s Ark was 450′ long, 75′ wide, and 45′ high, and had 3 stories (Gen 6:15).

God shut the door of the Ark (Gen 7:16).

Noah’s Ark landed on Mount Araat

Noah and his family were on the Ark for just over a year.

Noah lived for 350 years after the flood

As of 2019, the full Bible has been translated into 698 different languages and just the New Testament into 1,548 languages! AMAZING!!

Longest Chapter in the Bible: Psalm 119 with 176 verses

Shortest Chapter in the Bible: Psalm 117 only has 2 verses

Shortest Verse in the Bible: “Jesus wept.” – John 11:13

The Bible has inspired more art, music, and creativity more than any other book!

Delilah did not cut Samson’s hair, her servant did. 

In Samson’s final act, he pushed over two supporting pillars and collapsed the Temple of Dagon. In doing so, he killed more people (himself included) than he had in his whole life

The oldest person mentioned in the Bible is Methuselah who lived to be 969 years old (Genesis 5:27)

Goliath’s armor weighed 125 pounds

Green is the 1st color mentioned in the Bible

Bethlehem means “house of bread.”

There are approximately 125 animals mentioned in the Bible.

Dogs are mentioned 41 times in the Bible, cats are never mentioned.

God Himself buried Moses and no one knows where.

Jesus was about 30 when He began His ministry.

Jesus performed over 30 miracles in the Gospels.

In the place where Jesus was crucified, there was a garden.

The walls surrounding Babylon were 87 ft thick and 387 ft high.

Paul was guarded by 470 soldiers when He was taken to Governor Felix.

Four squads of soldiers (16 soldiers) were assigned to guard Peter in prison. He was also chained between two soldiers.

God rained down large stones from Heaven on some of Israel’s enemies.

The first question God asked in the Bible was “Where art thou?” to Adam 

The word “hate” is used 87 times in the Bible, but the word “love” is used 310 times.

There will be no marriages in Heaven

Mary Magdalene had been possessed with 7 demons.

John The Baptist wore clothes made from camel hair.

Lions killed people 4 times in the Bible.  Three people also killed lions in the Bible.

When Jesus cast the demons out of a demon-possessed man into a herd of pigs, they went into about 2000 pigs.

When Jesus approached the disciples’ boat while walking on water, they had been rowing for about 3 or 4 miles.

Jesus was on the cross for 6 hours

The time period between Jesus’ resurrection and ascension was 40 days.

“Jesus” means “the Lord is salvation” and “Christ” means “the anointed one.”

Jesus’ disciples carried 2 swords.

Standing near the cross as Jesus was dying were 4 women; 3 of them were named Mary.

When the resurrected Jesus appeared to the disciples fishing on the Sea of Galilee and told them to cast their net on the right side of the boat, they hauled in 153 fish.

Approximately 29 musical instruments are mentioned in the Bible.

There were 8 weapons used in the Bible to fight with: Ax, Bow & Arrow, Club, Dagger, Mace, Sling, Spear, Sword.

The Bible says to “wait on God” over 40 times.

The Psalms mention the heart 122 times.

Jairus’ daughter was 12 years old when Jesus brought her back to life.

Angels are mentioned in 34 books of the Bible.

Goliath was about 9’9″ tall

God had the first spoken words in the Bible, “let there be light”

Jesus stayed up all night praying before choosing His 12 disciples.

God miraculously caused the sun to stand still in the sky, providing light for 24 hours straight

Remember to show hospitality to strangers because you might be helping an angel.

Moses was the meekest (humble) man on the face of the Earth.

If a woman gave birth to a male child, she was unclean for a week. If she gave birth to a female child, she was unclean for two weeks.

God brought animals to Adam to name them (Gen 2:19), and to Noah to save them (Gen 6:20).

Several places in the Bible compare God’s Word to “honey.” It is interesting to note that honey is the only food that never goes bad.

God said that “anyone who misleads a blind person on the road” is “cursed”

When Jesus turned water into wine during the “wedding at Cana” He created around 120-180 gallons of wine.

Jesus is called the “Lamb” 27 times in Revelation.

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